Career Overview > Students


You have reached the end of your studies and you are expected to present a dissertation based on a practical. Talk to us. You will profit by our experience and optimum supervision of your work and we will gain by the knowledge you gain while staying with us and by your fresh ideas.

Our ideal candidate has already experienced a practical with us and knows our structures. We can work with you to define your goals and tasks. Your mentor and your colleagues will actively support you while writing your thesis or dissertation. Clarify your ideas and expectations by getting motivated yourself and writing to us.

Our requirements are:
• A completed pre-diploma / if you study for a Bachelor
  you must have completed 2 years
• Good marks
• Practical experience in a related field (eg practicals, trainings,
  internships, holiday job (at least 3 months))
• Ability to work in a team
• Very good English language skills
• Ability to work independently
• Commitments beyond the academic field
• An affinity for chemistry
• Length of project 3-6 months

Please send in your application several months before the date you wish to start your project.



C.H. Erbslöh Hungária kft.
Orczy út 6
HU 1089 Budapest / Hungaria

Phone: +36 464 4817
Fax: +36 464 4818

Copyright: C.H.Erbslöh 2011