Company > LEL Alliance
LEL Alliance
LEL, The Distributor Group for Speciality Chemicals and Minerals in Europe, offers manufacturers of speciality raw materials a technical sales and distribution service in one or more European countries through local offices.
The members Lake Ltd. (U.K.), C.H.Erbslöh GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Lavollée Chimie S. A., and URAI (Italy) form an alliance of independent national distributors in response to the need from Principals for bespoke pan-European distribution.
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Lake Chemicals & Minerals Ltd.
3 Paper Mill Drive, Redditch
Worcestershire, B98 8QJ / UK
Te.l: +44 1527 594630
Fax: +44 1527 594640
As a result of restructuring measures within the LEL-Group, Lake Chemicals and Minerals Ltd. was founded in 2001. This newly founded company enables us to continue providing first class technical services on the British Market and to make full use of our professional distributing competence.

Lavollée SA
9, rue Louis Rouquier
92300 Levallois / France
Phone: +33 146 39 88 88
Fax: +33 146 39 09 58
Lavollée SA was founded in 1964 as a strictly market oriented organisation for the distribution of Chemical and Mineral Specialities. The professional medium sized organisation of Lavollée SA with it's technical customer approach allows chemical formulators a co-operation on a technical level normally only offered directly by the manufacturers of such raw-materials.

Milanofiori Palazzo E2
20090 Assago (Mailand) / Italy
Phone: + 39 02 8923991
Fax: + 39 02 8258020
URAI S.p.A. was founded in 1948 by Mr. Armando Giuliani. The company sited near Milan serves the italian market with chemical raw materials,
specialities and laboratory equipment for many branches of industry. URAI is a competent business partner to domestic as well as international firms and will provide a solid link completing LEL in southern europe.

Kemiropa Ltd.
Haydar Aliyev Cad. 202/3
Tarabya 34457 Istanbul / Turkey
Phone: + 90 212 2992121
Fax: + 90 212 2999475
Together with the turkish company KEMIROPA, the LEL group disposes the excellent possibilities to cover the euro-asian area. KEMIROPA, founded in 1987, is a sales specialist of raw and auxiliary materials for the industrial areas paint, coating, polymer, cosmetic, pharmacy, rubber, plastic and textile. The standard range consists of more than 500 products. An own car pool guaranties a delivery on time. This applies also for small orders. KEMIROPA offers a selling concept that is market-focused and an optimal intern structure to serve the turkish market in the global environment.

Ricardo Molina S.A.U
Via Laietana 19 2
08003 Barcelona / Spain
Phone: + 34 93 2954960
Fax: + 34 93 3102711
Ricardo Molina S.A.U. is focused on the distribution of specialty chemicals and highly qualified technical advice. As LEL member for Spain and Portugal, the family owned company Ricardo Molina S.A.U, offers excellent service to customers and suppliers for the industries of Coatings and Adhesives, Lubricant Additives, Rubber and Plastics, Watertreatment, Life Sciences and Food, since 1927.
C.H. Erbslöh Benelux N.V.
Bergensesteenweg 709/B27
BE 1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw/Belgium
Phone: +31 40 29 11 470
Fax: +31 40 29 11 473